Photographs of the Iphone touch

Photographs of the Iphone touch

Iphone touch in action

everything about my iphone

The iPhone is a mobile phone but iPhone is more than just a phone. It combines three devices in one:

1º) A revolutionary mobile phone,
2º) A widescreen iPod
3º) A breakthrough Internet device.

I have it since Christmas. My dad gave it to me for my effort because I was accepted in the university. I can't use it in the week because it's very dangerous to walk with it in the bus or in the street, I'm afraid that somebody steals it to me. I use it in my house and the weekends, or when I go out of travel with my family.

I love it because I can see my facebook, my mail, I can play in it and to call to people that I want in any part where I am.

Although I love my iPhone, I could live without him, but maybe my travels could be boring and I would have to look out for the window all time.

This is my iPhone !! :)


Sunday, November 15, 2009

My ideal Job

My ideal work is to be a veterinarian, although this first year of studies isn't very well, but it's in what I always wanted to work. My sister also wants to study veterinary science, together with other two cousins. I tell them that it's difficult, but not impossible.

When I finish studying, I would like to work with horses, because I like them, but it wouldn't be anything of wrong to work with the other animals in the first time, really I like all the animals =)

For me this job is special since when I was a little girl I always helping to the little animals in needed and I wanted to take to my house to all kinds of dogs that found in the street, but this couldn't be because my house was very small and I couldn't take all them. My dad always told me '' if you don't study medicine you will be a veterinarian ''... and it was in the certain thing!!

1 comment:

  1. My ideal work is to be a veterinarian, although this first year of studies isn't very well, but it's in what I always wanted to work. My sister also wants to study veterinary science, together with other two cousins. I tell them that it's difficult, but not impossible.

    When I finish studying, I would like to work with horses, because I like them, but it wouldn't be anything of wrong to work with the other animals in the first time, really I like all the animals =)

    For me this job is special since when I was a little girl I always WF helping to the little animals in needed and I wanted to take to my house to all kinds of dogs that found in the street, but this couldn't be because my house was very small and I couldn't take all them. My dad always told me '' if you don't study medicine you will be a veterinarian ''... and it was in the certain thing!!

    haha so you ended up doing that...good luck!
    p.s. you got a 6.7
