Photographs of the Iphone touch

Photographs of the Iphone touch

Iphone touch in action

everything about my iphone

The iPhone is a mobile phone but iPhone is more than just a phone. It combines three devices in one:

1º) A revolutionary mobile phone,
2º) A widescreen iPod
3º) A breakthrough Internet device.

I have it since Christmas. My dad gave it to me for my effort because I was accepted in the university. I can't use it in the week because it's very dangerous to walk with it in the bus or in the street, I'm afraid that somebody steals it to me. I use it in my house and the weekends, or when I go out of travel with my family.

I love it because I can see my facebook, my mail, I can play in it and to call to people that I want in any part where I am.

Although I love my iPhone, I could live without him, but maybe my travels could be boring and I would have to look out for the window all time.

This is my iPhone !! :)


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Favourite Picture

This picture was taken by my boyfriend Alexander the last weekend when we went to Batuco to the house of my dad's aunt. We went all to the walk, my father, my mother, and my two sisters. We also invite my cousin and my boyfriend. We didn't go from last summer (January) when my smaller sister was of birthday, her name is Tamara.

In the moment of the picture, we were in the lake of Batuco that is a natural reservation where there are ducks, foxes, swans and many other animals.

This picture is important because it's the first time that my boyfriend went with me to Batuco. After that, we go up a hill and we saw horses, cows and a very fat and big pig that pursued us and we had to run!!

I like the picture because I'm happy and it reminds me that I passed a great time it in the walk, furthermore the flower that I have in the hand my boyfriend gave it to me. =)